<p>Went to some precolombian ruins in Lima's San Isidro district. "Ruins" doesn't really capture it, they have rebuilt the whole thing so it's now in absolutely perfect condition. It's a 20m step pyramid from which one has a perfect view of the residential towers all around. Spoils the impression completely. </p>
<p>San Isidro also has a large golf club in the middle, and extends all the way to the sea. It's evidently quite rich, except who would want to live in glorified office towers? The BMW density is very high there. </p>
<p>Lima doesn't really have a beach. It has a neglected stretch of mud where sea meets land, but it's hard to get there because a freeway runs alongside the shore. Next there's a steep cliff, and the city begins up there - with a very nice park. First place in Lima we really enjoyed. Trees, lawns, lots of flowers, free wifi, and sea views. Behind that, more residential towers, oh well. </p>
<p>This is the last post from South America, promise. I'll be on the road for a while, and in a few days I'll post from Indonesia. Back to the real mission of this blog, finally! </p>