Bako National Park is close to Kuching. A regular city bus brought me to a boat pier; the park can only reached by boat. They are not the kind called Flying Coffin but felt like one - the sea was very rough, and the boat went airborne a few times when crossing wave crests. The pilot knew what he was doing, except that one time when the boat nearly rolled over.
They don't call them rain forests for nothing, it had been raining all morning. But shortly after the boat arrived, the rain stopped. Signed in at the ranger station (so they know if you get lost) and followed one of the marked trails through the forest. Most of the time, the trail is just a mess of roots, big rocks, and beds of small creeks, constantly going up or down. Good thing I brought sandals and could wade right through. The trail ends at a beach.
Due to the rain, no animals could be seen. Only after returning to the ranger station, on a narrow bridge, a few gibbons sat grooming one another. They didn't even run away, just looked at me briefly as if to say "may I see your tickets please" and kept on grooming. No respect for the food chain.

They don't call them rain forests for nothing, it had been raining all morning. But shortly after the boat arrived, the rain stopped. Signed in at the ranger station (so they know if you get lost) and followed one of the marked trails through the forest. Most of the time, the trail is just a mess of roots, big rocks, and beds of small creeks, constantly going up or down. Good thing I brought sandals and could wade right through. The trail ends at a beach.
Due to the rain, no animals could be seen. Only after returning to the ranger station, on a narrow bridge, a few gibbons sat grooming one another. They didn't even run away, just looked at me briefly as if to say "may I see your tickets please" and kept on grooming. No respect for the food chain.